10 years of AJAX - Now much cleaner and standardized !

A decade of Ajax

About 10 years ago the Ajax word was coined to describe the interactive web that Google created at that time Google Suggest and Google Maps (Ajax - Jesse James) . At the heart of that emerging technology is a Microsoft created object XHR(XMLHttpRequest - XMLHttpRequest) and is now adopted by Mozilla, Apple, and Google (IE is a different Web technology story). XHR is now being adopted as a standard in W3C (standardized XHR - W3C). But not only that there is XHR2 (HTML5 Rocks)  - (I think this has been discontinued.)

XHR provides an easy way to retrieve data without doing a page refresh. Despite its name we are using XHR for any structured data that the server can provide us. (JSON, JSON-LD) - and binary data (SPDY HTTP 2.0)

We have used AJAX in a lot of creative 
(SPA, Web API, MashUps)
ways and I am excited to see the next decade of highly interactive web designs.

The Future

What would the role of AJAX be in the internet of things ? Maybe we have an asynchronous object that consumes and receives data connecting to an MQTT (http://mqtt.org/)

As I feel nostalgic about Ajax here are some links that will help you revisit AJAX:


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