
Showing posts with the label Javascript

Javascript Prototype Gets in the Way!

I have been re-reading  eloquent javascript  because I am taking up a class this summer that greatly deals with javascript. This book really helped me a lot transitioning from programming solely in Java to understanding some of the practical details of using javascript. The Prototype One of the sections in the book that i found really helpful was the explanation of how prototypes work. Prototype Interference in this section of the book ( Secret life of Objects ). If you are beginning javascript, how the prototype works in javascript is one of the fundamental concepts that you must grasp. There are probably several prototypes in javascript but the three prototypes that you might want to know about are Object.prototype Array.prototype Function.prototype There are a lot of things in each prototype above and I will not discuss each in detail. Ultimately, prototypes are the object that is used as a fallback if the property or method is not on the current object you...

AMD - totally unrelated to processors

AMD  I have used javascript a lot and still can not fathom the messy selectors and callbacks. Being a part of a team that probably has millions of javascript code scattered in every page (before the rise of the SPAs (single page applications)) it is a real pain, not to mention dealing with browser support (don't get me started on this). I try to minimize my involvement in having to deal with javascript issues. But javascript tools are getting better thanks to  Chrome, FireBug and now WebStorm  javascript is now becoming a language of choice for web development. Javascript filled the gap of a much more responsive web ui. It vanquished having to wait for a response from  a web server. This responsiveness is now being utilized in mobile development as well. There is a lot happening in the javascript world Node.js, D3 just to mention a few and a lot more will happen. As javascript becomes a necessary tool in any software development, patterns and best practices ...

HTML 5 Quick Overview via Prezi

Follow this link -->  HTML 5 Quick Overview - prezi Please leave comment and follow me! Thanks!