
Showing posts with the label Fake News Research

Fakes News and A New Life Philosophy

When I worked on Reuters Tracer for a little bit, one of the hot item topics during that time is detecting Fake News. Fake News is a real issue for people wanting reliable information and data. People who want reliable information and data are often decision makers, who need to take action. I tried to look into what is "Fake News" which lead me to a new life philosophy. This new philosophy - is a moral imperative to check every information we consume before we believe because beliefs are the basis of our action. In this day and age that everyone is streamed with information all day thru social media, adoption of this philosophy becomes a necessity. Why does anyone want to create "Fake News"?  The short answer to this is to win people over. "Fake News" mostly appeal to the target audience emotions. You can't win people over with logic, facts, and data. Have you ever been riled up to work harder when presented with charts and graphs of our e...