ElasticSearch - Preventing Split Brain With a Cluster!
Elasticsearch - Brain Cluster ! After reading this about article about elastic search cluster -- Split - brain problem I wanted to be careful about setting an elastic search cluster. I have to setup a 3 node cluster of elastic search. After reading a few articles about it, it comes down to how the cluster will be used mostly. Here are some of the questions that i asked when setting the cluster up. I hope that this can be a good starting point for anybody setting up elastic search cluster. 1. How many nodes are you going to use for the cluster ? We only have 3 physical servers that is why i decided to use a 3 node cluster. Here are the settings that i used Gave the cluster a name [cluster.name: brain] - brain cluster Gave each node a name [node.name: "brain_1"'] [node.name: "brain_2"'] [node.name: "brain_3"'