BootStrap 3 - Mobile first responsive design

BootStrap 3 - Mobile First Responsive Design

Mobile Web

As Mobile devices become more available to users,  creating web applications to cater to this mobile devices are becoming more crucial in reaching audiences. A mobile presence becomes essential in building a successful web product. In my experience as a web developer, ipad and mobile stories keep presenting themselves as additional tasks to web development efforts because users  out there are accessing the web using mobile devices.
Now there is a philosophy out there Mobile First Responsive Design that was introduced by Luke Wroblewski. This philosophy or approach suggests to create websites to cater to different devices using progressive enhancement rather than graceful degradation. The idea behind progressive enhancement is to scale up the user experience not down. This is achieved by having the default behavior of the website is to cater to mobile devices and scales up the experience if a user accesses the site in much more powerful devices like a desktop.

BootStrap 3

Bootstrap 3 adapted the mobile first responsive design. Earlier Bootstrap version optionally supports responsive web design BUT not is not mobile first. This means that websites using versions before Bootstrap 3 are not really high performing when accessed using a mobile device. This is the reason that earlier versions of Bootstrap where pulled out from the PhoneGap project. BootStrap 3 made a clean break from earlier versions of Bootstrap, it is a breaking change if you used earlier versions of BootStrap. I think they wanted to do it right rather than support the earlier versions and end up with a mess of a code. You have to change a lot of things from earlier Bootstrap versions in order to migrate to BootStrap 3. The benefit of migrating to BootStrap 3 is having that built in approach of mobile first which you would not need to worry about because all the heavy lifting to cater to different devices is done for you.


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