Gensim Doc2Vec on Spark - a quest to get the right Vector
Ever since I joined the R & D group we have been doing a lot of cool things, like trying IBM Watson (see previous blog entry). Now we are doing a lot of Natural language processing. We wanted to compare the similarity of two documents. There is this excellent project Gensim ( doc2vec ) that easily allow to you to translate large blocks of text to a fixed length feature vector to make comparisons. Here is the link to the original paper from some people from Google that explains the approach. In essence, they wanted to find a representation that will overcome the weaknesses of the bag of words model. The doc2vec approach proves to be a reliable approach to comparing similarities of documents because it takes into consideration the semantics and the order of the word in context. So with that, we wanted to use it for a corpus of 26 million documents. Calculating the doc2vec for 26 million documents is not a small task, so we need to process it in Spark. The problem ...